Sunday, November 17, 2024

...full super moon november '24

 ...not 1924, while it could be, while it wasn't that far off... wile it might be nice to be there, in a simpler world fre of technology, but att he inception of the arrogance f a modernity, an american progression into salesmanship... a selling of things... here buy this... these are thereasons... this how its different then the others... sold... another pdicut sold... i am no longer interested in lying... have been lying most of my life... pretending not to be this brown, this version of features, this version of relgion, these ascrobed tongues... natinalities... this body.. this age... i was free for minutes at 17, the summer before scool started, when inu and binu were visiting, staying ith us, here form london, their british accents pleasant to our cutting new york... there feminine a sweet melody to our masculine junk... my junk... had long hair... nothing to hide... long pretty black thick hair that fell over my face and shoulders... i was me in the summer... me and my brthers and my beatuiful parents who let us go out into the world, who housed strangers in our two bedroom shake on the fourth floor... to the knowing that a.i would come and gobble us up, and still getting us ca computer to keep us relvant... a dial up modem for us to learn... to do somethign that would grow our fmaily, enrich it... when i thin f my Lve... i would want her to grow up to be kind and oving, and boundaried, and capable of defenind herslef, and devout in her worship... i don't imagine her to be selling or sales... i don't imagine anyone i could think f that i respect in sales, in selling... in the business of seeking worship... in discovering theoirs to get their name out there... philosphy... 

bismillah... bismillah hi rahman niraim even if these words are anathema to you... even if it means that i would reather play the piano then here you sing your songs at the party... it will end... the night will be over.. .eveyone will have to go hom and you will have to retire... even if you sleep with the pretties girl... she will leave your side... you will have to wake up and face REality and you've been running... finding distraction things to look at theings to read or watch or pople to talk about or people who rubbed you wrong or people you like in comparison, and schemes to make a lot of menoy and buy big things and have people bow down to you and have plenty f women to be toys... you have thought it out your wars to commit a fratricide satricide paternalicide... all of th cides... kill off anyone who doesn

t cmfron to your craving, your wantings for them to be who you want them to be  - coe to a dinner with friends only to find out you are not welcome - you would rather have them play nicetieis, have them sit there... have them pretend... why? becaue your ego is bruised... bevause you want what isn't' real... you want a remote control to swithc people off... to turing them on...

this month, this past month things came up... ithaca happened... i'm sure nyc happened... the new scheudle happened... troy and labany and the coop and shopping and being int he car,em and sign up sheets and all o fthat happened... 

bismillah...bismillah... this month... this momth... go deep... do one thing at a time... one thing ith full presence... nothing else... notihing doing... 

...this month... this month have clarity on offerings... on servie... nothign to pretend... what are you doing?... how are you doing... doing the thing... going the thing - practice... this month practice... go deepr in the craft of writing, yoga, bodywork... prayer... juniper... my heartbeats.... ammmu abbu... cb... here i Am... 

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